How I Decided to Become a Homeopath
By Melissa Z.
I have always though there must be more out there for me. Something that I could do so that I could help people and make a difference in the world, while stilling providing for my family. I believe becoming a homeopath is just that! I have seen what a positive impact homeopathy has had on my life, and I am very excited to be able to share that with others.
I want to be able to show people that there is a better alternative to all the pharmaceuticals, that there is a better way to heal, and that there is a whole different world of medicine out there. I have witnessed firsthand what homeopathy can truly do.
Life really does throw curve balls at you. Most of which you are not prepared to catch. I have had a couple of these in my life that have greatly affected my mental health which led to a decline in my physical health. When all of this was happening, I searched for help to get me through all the pain and anguish I was going through. I wanted help that would allow me to heal and more forward, only to be met with Western medicine from my family doctor in the form of many pills which ended up making me numb and almost worse than before.
After years of searching, I found homeopathy and was very intrigued by what I read and could not wait to find a homeopath that could help me. I was very fortunate to find an amazing homeopath who was able to look at the entire picture of my life and get me back on track. I was blown away by how much better I felt by taking the remedies vs all the pharmaceuticals that I was told to
take before!
This amazing transformation intrigued me, and I wanted to help my youngest son who was struggling with asthma. I was hopeful that homeopathy could help him as well. I was tired of all the inhalers that the doctors kept pushing on my son as they were causing a lot of adverse side effects on him. So again, we met with the homeopath, and she was able to help him immensely!
A couple of years after using homeopathy on son for his asthma my son turned and said to me “Barb (our homeopath) saved my life. You have no idea how bad it was before.” This statement alone made me a true believer in homeopathy as you can not fool a child into feeling better!
I can not wait to learn more about homeopathy and start my own practice. I also have the goal to one day to be able to travel the world and help those that are less fortunate with homeopathy.