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1. Which accomplishment/event/moment are you most proud of in your career as a Homeopath?

To be honest, each and every referral and compliment feels like a proud moment ... At the end of an appointment, many clients will smile & will comment that, before even receiving a remedy, they already feel “lighter” and “more balanced” from experiencing the process of a homeopathic consultation.

Being asked to see clients with mental & emotional health struggles at Lutherwood’s Mental Health Institute  - a true sign to me that homeopathic medicine can have an important and unique impact in the realm of mental/emotional well-being

I have had the honour of teaching health education classes at a highschool in Belize ... Being told that I had truly changed, not only the kids I was working with, but the entire island, with the information I was able to share ... most definitely one of the proudest moments of my life!

 2. What 3 aspects of your Homeopathic education contributed the most to your success?

Number One: The phenomenal instructors ... from Raymond Edge to William Ellwood ... to Kim Elia ... to Lisa Decandia ... to Joan Weir ... I feel truly blessed to have gathered pieces of wisdom from each and every one of these inspirational Homeopaths ... to this day, I still think about their wisdom shared, in the midst of my case work!

Number Two: My classmates ... Walking into that classroom everyday with an internal buzzing and excitement is a feeling I will never forget ... the questions, the stimulating and thought-provoking conversations ... that classroom environment is a learning forum, all in itself .

Number Three: The clinic ... without a doubt, homeopathic learning, takes place in the hands-on clinic ... Both the externship & the internship process were invaluable for learning about case-taking, remedies, dosing & patient communication

All in all, a brilliant & phenomenal environment that I will be forever thankful to have been a part of ... 

3. Share with us a recent and successful case treated with Homeopathic Medicine. 

One of the biggest shifts I’ve been grateful to witness:

Boy, Age 7, with angry outbursts, temper tantrums & headaches

Key Symptoms & Themes:

  • Fear of death
  • Desire to paint his room black; drawn to the dark & to dark colours
  • Obsessed with playing the piano (*) - would spend every free moment playing piano
  • Obsessed with playing video games
  • Daily Headaches: Better outside in the cold & worse at end of the day
  • Perfectionist: Disappointed in self if not getting Straight “A’s” in school
  • Threatening to kill himself (since the age of 4)
  • Fascinated by music & vibrations of music
  • Anger, screaming, crying, throwing, yelling
  • Temper tantrums with homework
  • Desire to run outside, barefoot in the rain
  • Ravenous appetite in the evening (will skip breakfast)
  • All symptoms better at midnight (favourite time of day)

Remedy chosen: Tarentula 200 CH (two pellets ... one dose only)

Response from Mother:

“My son is like a new kid!  He is so happy, falls asleep easily & slept until 7:30am - so unlike him!  When we decided to work on his homework, all of the clouds were gone! I couldn’t believe it - not only did we finish his homework in 15 minutes, we laughed & had fun doing it together ... We are SO grateful ... he is not sleeping on the floor anymore ... he told me that he feels different ... today when I was combing his hair, he said: “Mommy, how come it doesn’t hurt anymore? ... it used to hurt so much, even when you touched it & now it’s okay! ... he really is a happy boy ... we are breathing a sigh of relief, astonished at the change”

4. Do you have anything else you would like to share?

 I genuinely feel blessed to have found my path in homeopathic medicine ... I have personally experienced & have witnessed in others, more profound shifts in mental, emotional & physical health than in any other system of medicine ...Very grateful for this opportunity to share the unique spirit of this homeopathic community.