I Bet There Is a Remedy For That

Kimberly C. - CCHM Student
My path to homeopathy has been a long path of twists and turns over 30 years in my personal search for better health options and autonomy with my health choices. I finally discovered classical homeopathic medicine through an Acute First Aid Homeopathy course three years ago. Such an elegant science; it gives me goose bumps. For the past three years I have been successfully using homeopathic remedies for acute illness at home with myself, family, friends, my dog and even my garden! I see so many people struggling with poor health and now more than ever they are going to be looking for better answers. I want to study homeopathy professionally not only for my own knowledge and autonomy but to help others find answers to their health challenges as well as gain autonomy in managing their own health.
I have an insatiable curiosity and I am always researching something. I also enjoy teaching others, who ask, what I have learned. I have always had an interest in natural healing. Thirty years ago I grew a garden of herbs for their medicinal properties. Unfortunately, life had other plans and I didn't pursue this further. Over the years, as I tried to manage my own health, many times doctors failed me. I had a doctor try to convince me I needed antidepressants for what turned out to be a dairy allergy. Another doctor continuously prescribed stronger and stronger medication to suppress a nasty, itchy skin rash until I drew the line at a medication that would require me to do monthly checks to make sure my liver wasn't failing! I turned to alternative health care options such as naturopathy. With the advent of the internet, information is overwhelming and often conflicting. Everything I turned to helped with the initial complaint but there was always a feeling of incompleteness. It became overwhelming trying to deal with the domino effect of illness within the body one issue at a time in isolation from the others. I had a cupboard full of supplements! When the naturopath I had been working with passed away I decided to look for a way to gain autonomy in my health choices. There simply had to be something better. I wanted to start by taking a course that would offer learning in natural remedies to replace the cupboard of over the counter drugs for acute illness. That is when I discovered classical homeopathic medicine and took the Acute and First Aid Homeopathy course through the Western College of Homeopathic Medicine.
I did not think I would be interested in becoming a homeopathic practitioner; but, I discovered I enjoyed learning about homeopathic medicine. My friends and family began to come to me with acute illnesses. I have to admit I was thrilled every time someone came to me with an acute illness because it gave me a chance to learn more; plus, the thrill of finding the right remedy and seeing how well it worked was deeply satisfying. I even saved my dog's life using homeopathic remedies. Then I discovered that homeopathy even works with the plants in my garden! With one roman snail shell I can make 100,000 litres of remedy to repel slugs and snails for up to four months! Every time a question arises or someone is listing some symptoms of not feeling well I can be heard saying; "I bet there is a remedy for that". I never cease to be amazed.
I have listened to people; even strangers met on airplanes, all seeking relief that current medical practices don't give them. I've seen the hurt and pain people are being put through and I want to help others find some relief. There is so much homeopathy can do. I realize I have a passion and a calling for homeopathy. It gives me joy to use my insatiable curiosity, my passion for natural healing and my gift for teaching to helping others. I want to expand my knowledge and be able to help people learn about better options and take control of their own health in an affordable and natural way. I want to contribute to the body of homeopathic knowledge as well as advocate for bringing homeopathy to the awareness and acceptance other alternative health practices have achieved. The Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine will give me the training to do that and I am excited to get started!