1. Which accomplishment/event/moment are you most proud of in your career as a Homeopath?
As a working homeopath, one is frequently exposed to intensely rewarding experiences. Certainly a milestone in my career was the first time I followed a difficult cancer case through to a successful completion; for me (and the patient), it was a kind of homeopathic Everest!
2. What 3 aspects of your Homeopathic education contributed the most to your success?
i) The opportunity to learn alongside an impressive array of like-minded colleagues was an inspiring and unforgettable experience. I never wanted to miss a day!
ii) In the school I found an atmosphere that encouraged inquiry; question and answer alongside lectures was both stimulating and helpful. This is excellent preparation for a career that is full of rapid problem-solving!
iii) Another experience that was very beneficial to me was the externship clinic process – taking on private patients under supervision while a student. I found this most helpful in learning patient management, while building the nucleus of a practice while in school.
3. Share with us a recent and successful case treated with Homeopathic Medicine.
A 37-year old man consulted me after being diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma. In this case, a new tumor appeared at the site of a previous tumour (right supra-clavicular lymph node) which had been removed surgically. This relapse brought the patient to my door. After evaluating the case, a remedy was prescribed (Calcarea Iodatum), and arrangements were made to meet with the patient again in three weeks. At the next meeting, the patient reported the tumour was diminished by 50%, and was completely resolved in twelve weeks.