New Homeopathy & Health Sciences Diploma Winter Start Program! Limited Seats Available ! Click Here To Enroll!

1. Which accomplishment/event/moment are you most proud of in your career as a Homeopath?

I am most proud of treating a Rheumatoid Arthritis case. My patient had been suffering for 20 years. After only six months of homeopathic treatment with Silica, they were able to get off their medication completely.

2. What 3 aspects of your Homeopathic education contributed the most to your success?

The most important aspect of my education at CCHM was the Teaching Clinic. The third year Teaching Clinic, lead by Dr. Joseph Kellerstein, taught me how to manage complex cases and learn effective dosing strategies. I especially remember the case of a 40 year old epileptic woman. Her treatment began with Phosphorus, and for the first time in her life she did not have a single epileptic attack in over a month. The second most important aspect of my homeopathic education was the marking style, by then Registrar Rebecca Gower. Her feedback on my reports pushed me to constantly re-evaluate my case management techniques, and taught me to become a closer reader of the Materia Medica.

3. Share with us a recent and successful case treated with Homeopathic Medicine. 

My most recent cured case was one of seasonal allergies. The patient presented with many of the common symptoms of hay fever: runny and itchy eyes, nasal discharge, and sneezing. What was unique about their symptoms was that they were alleviated by being outdoors, and exacerbated by warm, stuffy air. I prescribed Pulsatilla 30Ch in water and they were symptom free within two days.