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1. Which accomplishment/event/moment are you most proud of in your career as a Homeopath?

All the work I do, as a homeopath, makes me quite proud.  There are a few patients that really stand out for me: (1) 3 year old autistic boy, who pointed to communicate his desires, moved around non stop while nattering to himself using incoherent jibber jabber, defecated huge balls once every other week, woke at night and needed to sleep with parents or brother, and sat upside down on his head.  After his first remedy, he could wait his turn in nursery school, he spoke in 5 to 7 word sentences, he no longer sat on his head or ran around non stop nattering, he eliminated waste daily, slept by his self and he could identify all members of his distant family by name; (2) 54 year old female, c.c. menopause hot flashes, hadn’t slept through the night since the age of 16, several attempts at suicide, extreme hot and cold flashes, severe joint pains, chronic migraines and chilled most of the time.  All symptoms resolved with her remedy, I used the etiology in this case which was silent grief and all her symptoms disappeared; (3) convalescent male 77 years old with a head injury, after his remedy he was more vital and even able to play cards again with his son; (4) all the acute cases really amaze me still to this day.  I have successfully treated:  concussions, eye injuries, chicken pox, strep throat, sprains, warts and burns. 

2. What 3 aspects of your Homeopathic education contributed the most to your success?

The three aspects of my homeopathic education that contributed the most to my success are (i) taking a good case; (ii) rubric selection for getting to a group of remedies for differential diagnosis by using the root of the problem, i.e. etiology and the most striking symptoms to lead the patient towards cure (iii) clinic in 2nd, 3rdand 4th year; since I had the opportunity to see different homeopaths work and I learnt from the best, professional homeopaths that actually cured cases in clinic!

3. Share with us a recent and successful case treated with Homeopathic Medicine. 

Last fall, I had a patient contact me that hadn’t been to see me since my first year externship in 2007, already 5 years ago.  She presented with bald spots in circles the size of quarters on her scalp.  After taking her case, I realized that the hair loss came after a fight with her step daughter. My patient was full of anger, disowned the step daughter and even mentioned she hated the woman.  One dose of 30 C Ignatia and her hair was coming back, a dose of 30C Nat-mur given the next month for a life long history of silent grief and the hair was completely back by the third follow up.  The patient was so elated she offered to do anything for me, I told her to enjoy her beautiful life.

 4. Do you have anything else you would like to share?

My daughter Holly is the reason I became a homeopath.  She developed a chronic cough when she started school at 4 years of age.  She suffered for 6 months with wheezing to breathe, coughing all night long every night and three rounds of antibiotics that did nothing for her.  She was given a 6X of Silica and she was cured!  Although, it took about 3 more months for her strength to come back she never needed any more remedy.  This is when I embarked on my journey to learn everything I could about homeopathy, and I became a homeopath.  Today, Holly is a healthy 11 years old, in grade 6. No sign of asthma or breathing issues have ever returned.