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1. Which accomplishment/event/moment are you most proud of in your career as a Homeopath?

Being able to help patients achieve their best state of health certainly feels like an important accomplishment. It is very satisfying to help patients recover from illness which allows them to become their best selves and live a fulfilling and creative life. There are many cases of patients recovering their health on my website ( Those testimonials are there to help people realize just how powerful homeopathic medicine is and that the goal of living a healthy happy life is possible. In the end I’m most proud when a patient no longer needs my services because they are simply “well.”

2. What 3 aspects of your Homeopathic education contributed the most to your success?

Learning classical Hahnemannian homeopathy is the reason my practice can be considered successful. Understanding how to take a full and complete case with the benefit of the experienced instructors at CCHMwas invaluable. The clinic setting at the school allowed us to observe how a proper classical case should be taken and how to effectively prescribe the most appropriate remedy. Instructors were always available to help in the learning process and encouraged discussion and debate in class.

3. Share with us a recent and successful case treated with Homeopathic Medicine. 

Here is an extra special case. The following is in the patient’s words:

When I began seeing Jack I was barely able to make it in to his office. I was extremely weak, in great pain, depressed and could barely make it through the appointment.

Jack patiently took my case and worked through each symptom of my case in great detail. Jack prescribed a homeopathic remedy for me and from that day the healing began. He watched over my case and progress with great care and changed remedies when needed

Today I am better than my old self. I am off all my prescription medications. I no longer need my asthma puffers, I am able to walk, shop, paint and work on my crafts and I have my energy back. My emotional state is better than it has ever been, I am off my heart medications and I haven't had a seizure (which used to happen almost daily) in over 10 months. Jack actually saw the last seizure I had because it occurred in his office. He acted accordingly, kept me safe and from hurting myself. The seizures usually lasted anywhere from 10-20 minutes and were very violent. Jack actually prescribed for me on the spot and administered the remedy while I was in seizure. Miraculously the seizure was aborted in 30 seconds. Since that dose, I re-dosed once and have never had another seizure.

I am so grateful to Jack for helping me get my life back when the doctors continued to tell me that my condition would not change and that I was going to have a life of constant medication with a poor quality of life. Friends, family and even my pharmacist (who used to see me very regularly) can't believe the change.

I still continue to see Jack regularly to make sure my I keep myself in the best health possible. "

Mary, Toronto

"I began seeing Jack Gagliardi in 2008. I was plagued with 20 years of extremely poor health. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Asthma, a Heart Block, Arthritis, Restless Legs Syndrome, Depression and a Seizure disorder."

4. Do you have anything else you would like to share?

I can’t stress enough the importance of learning and practicing classical Hahnemannian homeopathyCCHM is the best place in Ontario to learn the proper time tested way of practicing homeopathic medicine.