New Homeopathy & Health Sciences Diploma Winter Start Program! Limited Seats Available ! Click Here To Enroll!

1. Which accomplishment/event/moment are you most proud of in your career as a Homeopath? 

The event I am most proud of in my career as a homeopath was being invited to speak at St. Joseph’s Hospital in London Ontario.  The pharmaceutical students were having a symposium in August of 2009 and they invited me to participate since they wanted to learn more about homeopathy.  As I was presenting to the 200 students and pharmaceutical directors from hospitals in the Western Ontario Region, I felt empowered by their genuine interest in homeopathy and their openness to accept a philosophy that was contrary to their beliefs.

2. What 3 aspects of your Homeopathic education contributed the most to your success? 

The aspects of my education that have contributed most to my success are as follows.  Directly after finishing homeopathic college I was hired to work in a multi-faceted chiropractic clinic.  I worked three years alongside wonderful colleagues.  I became very busy, very quickly so I gained experience in knowing how to prescribe remedies precisely and accurately.  Case management is the key to any successful prescription and I learned to do this well because I had to volume of cases to manage early on.  I soon realized in this fast paced environment it was not only the prescription that mattered but that patients would keep coming back and seeking natural healthcare options if there was a sincere love and care for the patients themselves.   I saw firsthand how a team approach can accomplish much more than a sole prescription. 

Alongside the clinical experience I continued my professional education with Dr. Joseph Kellerstein and Dr. Andre Saine with their post graduate course.  I have completed one of the three year programs and this year I completed a webinar course with Dr. Saine.  This course allowed me to review the classical philosophy of homeopathy but the goal is to practice and refine your skills as a homeopath by solving old journal cases.  The immediate feedback on the cases I submitted assisted me to refine my skills as a homeopath quickly and effectively.

3. Share with us a recent and successful case treated with Homeopathic Medicine. 

A 31 year-old male patient came into me complaining of gas and stomach discomfort with a constant hunger.  What was striking about this case was the amount of painful, trapped gas abdominally that was very offensive once released.  As soon as food entered his stomach he felt as if he had swallowed a ball and he would feel so heavy.  The only thing that would make this feel better is if he walked very fast moving cars in their appropriate locations at the car dealership.  As he walked fast he felt like he could release the trapped gas.  He described that he could eat all day long and he rarely felt satisfied. Right after he ate he felt an empty feeling like he just didn’t eat.  He felt that his energy was significantly better since he had recently begun a jogging program.  He loved to keep busy whether at home or work.  Dislikes the cold, loves the heat.  His feet are always cold. He will frequently get a headache with a dramatic weather change from hot to cold.  He describes himself as easy going, relaxed, willing to do for others and kind. Very affectionate, easy to forgive others and consolation improves him.


Sepia 1M 2 dry pellets taken beginning of October 2011  by mid-October all stomach heaviness and ball sensation was completely gone; he was eating and not continually to feel hungry after dinner. 

Follow-up end of November:   patient explained that he had not redosed since a few days prior to the beginning of November.  He remained symptom free of the heaviness and ball- like sensation in the abdomen.  His appetite was moderate and he would feel full until the following meal time.  He had gained 5 to 6 pounds and was happy about this since he is so thin.  Yet there were some new symptoms that were concerning him.  He was usually irritable with the kids in the morning and impatient.  This is not like him at all.  He was more tired and required more sleep.   More difficulty on rising in the morning.  On his right side of his navel on standing there would be cramping that was deep lasting about two minutes long and better by passing gas.  Bowel movements again were not as easy to release and the amount was not as abundant. Totality of the new symptoms was taken into consideration along with remedies that were complimentary to Sepia’s action.  He took two doses of Nux Vomica 30C and it improved the cramping, bowel movements and mood temperament. 

Follow-up mid-February 2011:  There had been no return of the heaviness or ball- like sensation.  Mood was fine no irritability.  Bowel movements were regular with no difficulty.  Energy was excellent.  Yet he noticed a bit more gas with gas forming foods and a return of old symptoms that occurred directly after eating he would be hungry again.  Yet this only occurred 2-3X and went away quickly.  If there was any return of old symptoms that were persisting the patient was told to call the office.  No redose required.

Follow-up mid April 2011:   Patient never called and reported that all symptoms had stayed improved.  There was never any need to take any of the Nux 200C.  Treatment had been finalized.