Renee Sagebear Albrecht 1943 - 2024 by Cheryl MacNeil
On April 9, this year we lost Renee Sagebear Albrecht, a CCHM alumnus, and a beautiful person who believed she could have an impact in this world, so she did.
Renee and I became acquainted through the CCHM email group (when it was the Toronto School of Homeopathy), then by video, and in person after I moved to Nova and she became my homeopath. We were members of MSH, as well as CHA where we attended monthly Zoom meetings. She was an encouragement to me both personally and professionally, and although we've been friends for only a couple of years, I count her among my greatest friends. I looked forward to years of celebrating the crone stage of life. I mourn the loss, and celebrate the gift, of Renee.
In Renee’s own words from an interview available at “I live quietly, contribute to community wellness, write, paint, photograph and work toward community development programs.” Renee said she refused to be depressed and that it’s up to people to expect more of themselves and cultivate determination, fathom individuality, unlearn deprecating self-talk, ignore naysayers, trust in a good future, believe in your significance, and be coaxed toward ways that inspire and warm the heart. She lived that. I was in awe of Renee's calm determination and how her tone of voice and way of expressing herself landed strong points powerfully and gently. Renee shared her knowledge, time and experience freely and generously to all, while deftly remaining true to herself. She used her life for the improvement of individuals and communities, through homeopathy, art, authorship, entrepreneurship, activism, and friendship. She wove homeopathy gently through her life and her books. Her homeopathy fees were modest.
Renee has left us a legacy she built in the lives she touched while owning and operating a Feminist Bookstore “The Women’s Bookstop” 1985 – 2001, as a founding board member of Art Works East, as a driving force in bringing the Canso Public Library and Art Gallery to her small community of Canso, NS., and in two (possibly 3) books; Whittling and Swapping (Sagebear Institute, 2015) ISBN 978-09940696-0-3, and Keep your Chin Up, FriesenPress, 2022 ISBN 103915521X, 9781039152212, a fictionalized memoir available on Amazon. Homeopathy was an integral part of her life, so is also an integral part of Keep Your Chin Up.
I've had the honour reviewing a couple of chapters of a book she was wrapping up. I hope we will all get to read it. Here’s an excerpt from a draft of chapter 28.
Sage burst out coughing. She made her way over to the pharmacy cupboards in the corner of the living room. Drosera remedy had come up in conversation, during a recent lunch date with her friend and fellow homeopathic practitioner, at Lou’s in St Peter’s Cape Breton. During their lunch a chap in the restaurant was seized by an eruption of coughs. Sage had resisted turning to look. On the other hand, Cheryl was seated with a view to the cougher’s table. Cheryl asked Sage, “What remedy would you say he needs?”
Sage replied, “Phosphorous, What would you give?”
“That memory arrived conveniently when Sage’s energy and desire to research were hard to muster. Her brain signalled “Drosera.” In a state of illness- grog, dug Drosera out of her pharmacy. The remedy had been immediately beneficial.
Later, when her energy returned, Sage Googled Drosera. “What a mesmerizing plant.”
Rest in Peace Renee